Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Social Insurance Number (SIN):

A Social Insurance Number is a 9-digit number that you need to enable you to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. Students who are interested in obtaining a SIN can apply and be issued with their SIN  through Service Canada. Students already living in Canada can apply in person at their nearest Service Canada Centre. More information can be found through this link  Also, it is sometimes possible to get your SIN on Campus at a York International Centre  (located in York Lanes) Social Insurance Number Clinic which is held every term  (check  for future Clinics). 

Updating your SIN number: 

If your SIN begins with a "9", you must update your SIN record to ensure that the expiry date always corresponds with the expiry date on your document from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) authorizing you to work in Canada. For more information on how to update your SIN Records, please visit the following link: